Best Cell Phone Coverage in Santa Ana, CA

Stetson Doggett
Stetson Doggett
May 23, 2024

What carrier is best in Santa Ana, CA?

We used data from our crowd-source speed test map and signal strength data from the FCC to rank the best carriers in Santa Ana, CA:

#1 Verizon
Verizon ranks best overall in Santa Ana, CA
icon of cell tower
icon of a speedometer
Data Speeds
#2 T-Mobile
T-Mobile ranks second in Santa Ana, CA
icon of cell tower
icon of a speedometer
Data Speeds
#3 AT&T
AT&T ranks third in Santa Ana, CA
icon of cell tower
icon of a speedometer
Data Speeds
Promoted Cell Phone Plans:
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps
Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Visible Base
Verizon coverage
tax included
5Mbps hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 512Kbps
10GB hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Verizon coverage
tax included
50GB Premium
5Mbps hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts

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Santa Ana Cellular Coverage Map

Want to see an interactive map of cell coverage in Santa Ana?

Click or tap the image below to launch a full-screen interactive coverage map created with crowdsourced data.

You can also download our free Coverage Map app for iPhone or Android.

If you choose to contribute data to the map by running a speed test in our free application, then you are helping to build more accurate coverage maps for everyone, so thank you!

Click to open the interactive Speed Test Map

The Carrier with the Most Coverage in Santa Ana, CA

If you want coverage in the most places in Santa Ana, CA, what carrier is best?

The answer is simple: T-Mobile.

T-Mobile has the most coverage in Santa Ana, CA. Its 4G LTE and 5G networks cover 99.9% of the city. 

You can further break T-Mobile's coverage down into areas with good, great, or poor reception.

Here's the full breakdown of T-Mobile coverage in Santa Ana, CA:

  • Total coverage area: 99.9%
  • Great reception: 99.9%
  • Good reception: 0%
  • Poor reception: 0%
  • No coverage: 0.1%
Great (99.9%)
Good (0%)
None (0.1%)
T-Mobile Coverage

The network with the second best coverage in Santa Ana, CA is AT&T

AT&T covers 99.9% of the city with its 4G LTE and 5G networks.

But how good is the quality of the coverage on AT&T?

Here are the full details of AT&T's coverage in Santa Ana, CA:

  • Total coverage area: 99.9%
  • Great reception: 99.9%
  • Good reception: 0%
  • Poor reception: 0%
  • No coverage: 0.1%
Great (99.9%)
Good ( 0%)
Poor (0%)
None (0.1%)
AT&T Coverage

Verizon is the third best option in Santa Ana, CA.

Its 4G LTE and 5G networks cover 99.9% of the city.

How good is the quality of coverage?

Here is how the quality of Verizon's coverage is broken down in Santa Ana, CA:

  • Total coverage area: 99.9%
  • Great reception: 99%
  • Good reception: 0.9%
  • Poor reception: 0%
  • No coverage: 0.1%
Great (99%)
Good (0.9%)
Poor (0%)
None (0.1%)
Verizon Coverage

But how do T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon compare side-by-side in terms of overall coverage and reception quality in Santa Ana, CA?

Use the comparison below to see how the three carriers stack up:

Cell Phone Coverage Comparison in Santa Ana

T-Mobile Coverage
AT&T Coverage
Verizon Coverage

Coverage Key:
Great reception
Good reception
Poor reception
No reception

Best Cell Phone Plans in Santa Ana

Okay, now that you know the carrier with the best coverage and fastest data speeds in Santa Ana, CA, what cell phone plan should you sign up for?

There are a few great options.

And some of them can save you a LOT of money.

But how?

It turns out that the big carriers, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, are known as MNOs, or mobile network operators. They build and operate their own networks by putting up cell towers, laying fiber optic cable, and purchasing spectrum licenses from the FCC.

The MNOs will also sell access to their networks to MVNOs.

What is an MVNO?

An MVNO, or mobile virtual network operator, is any carrier that does not own its own wireless network. Instead, these small carriers purchase network access from AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon.

Popular examples of MVNOs include Mint Mobile, Boost Infinite, and Visible.

Why is this important to you?

Understanding MVNOS is important because it means you can sign up for service on an MVNO and get the exact same coverage as one of the major carriers. Whichever major carrier the MVNO has an agreement with is the underlying network you will use for coverage.

MVNOs can also save you a LOT of money, too, because they have more affordable plans.

In addition to negotiating low wholesale rates for network access from the major carriers, MVNOs also use other cost-saving strategies such as operating online only to pass additional savings on to consumers.

Would you save money by signing up for an MVNO?

See for yourself by comparing some highlighted plan options on each of the major networks below:

T-Mobile or Verizon coverage
tax included
high-speed, then data stops
6GB priority
Included hotspot
720p HD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Visible Base
Verizon coverage
tax included
5Mbps hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Verizon coverage
tax included
50GB Premium
5Mbps hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Ultimate
Verizon coverage
tax included
Unlimited priority
60GB hotspot
1080p HD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Unlimited Starter
AT&T coverage
tax included
3GB hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps
Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile or Verizon coverage
tax included
high-speed, then data stops
6GB priority
Included hotspot
720p HD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps
Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 128Kbps
Included hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
high-speed, then 512Kbps
10GB hotspot
480p SD video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts
Go5G Plus
T-Mobile coverage
tax included
Unlimited priority
50GB hotspot
4K video streaming
Unlimited minutes
Unlimited texts

Frequently Asked Questions

What carrier has the best cell phone service in Santa Ana?

Verizon has the best overall cell phone service in Santa Ana. It offers the best balance between coverage, data speeds, and reliability.

What carrier has the most coverage in Santa Ana?

T-Mobile has the most coverage in Santa Ana. It covers 99.9% of the city.

What carrier has the fastest speeds in Santa Ana?

Verizon has the fastest speeds in Santa Ana. Its median download speeds are 81.7 Mbps and its median upload speeds are 16.1 Mbps.

Best Cellular Data Speeds in Santa Ana, CA

Getting great coverage is one thing.

But what is the point of having great coverage if your data speeds are slow and your apps take forever to load?

There is probably not much point at all.

To help you out, we analyzed the data from our crowd-sourced speed test map, where users upload speed tests performed on each of the carriers, to determine what carrier has the fastest data speeds in Santa Ana, CA.

Here is what we found:

  • Verizon has the fastest speeds in Santa Ana. Its median download speed is 81.7 Mbps. Its median upload speed is 16.1 Mbps.
  • T-Mobile is in second place. It has a median performance of 71.4 Mbps for download speeds and 20.1 Mbps for upload.
  • AT&T has the slowest speeds in Santa Ana. Its median download speed is 49.7 Mbps. For upload speeds, AT&T got 12.1 Mbps.

Compare the performance on all three carriers below:

Download Speed Comparison

81.7 Mbps
71.4 Mbps
49.7 Mbps

Upload Speed Comparison

16.1 Mbps
20.1 Mbps
12.1 Mbps

What Affects Data Speeds?

Data speeds can be affected by various factors, including network congestion, signal strength, device capabilities, and the technology used by the service provider.

You might experience slower data speeds during peak hours when many people are using the network simultaneously, or in areas with weak cellular coverage.

Check Coverage in Santa Ana

How are the Coverage Scores calculated?

The Coverage Scores are calculated for each of the carriers by looking at three key metrics:

  1. Coverage
  2. Data Speeds
  3. Reliability


The Coverage Score is on a scale from 0 to 10.

To calculate the coverage score, we look at two key metrics: 1) the total area covered and 2) the tower density.

The total area covered comes from the signal strength data from the FCC. Any area that has signal is counted toward the total the total coverage area. A higher coverage area means a higher score. A lower coverage area means a lower score.

The tower density metric is also calculated using the FCC signal strength data. We estimate a carrier's tower density by looking at how many areas have high signal strength compared to low signal strength. Lots of areas with great signal indicate a higher tower density, and thus a higher score.

Data Speeds

The Data Speeds score is on a scale from 0 to 10.

We calculate the score by looking at a carrier's median download and upload speeds in a given area. Faster speeds means getting a higher score. We weigh the median download speed at 70% of the total score and the median upload speed at 30% of the total score.

To score a perfect 10/10, a carrier would need to get median speeds of 100Mbps download and 20Mbps upload.


The Reliability Score is on a scale from 0 to 10. The goal for the Reliability Score is to estimate how likely you'll have a usable connection when you have service.

To calculate the Reliability score, we look at the bottom 10%, 5% and 1% of data speeds in a given area. The download speeds are weighted at 50% of the score. Upload speeds are weighted at 20% of the score.

We also look at latency to calculate the Reliability Score.

Latency is a measurement of how long it takes a data packet to travel from the sender to the receiver. You can think of latency as answering the question, "how much delay is there in the network?"

If there is high latency (30ms to 100ms), it takes a long time for data packets to be sent and received by your phone. Your connection may feel slow or "laggy."

If there is low latency (under 30ms), your connection will feel fast and responsive.

Latency is weighted at 30% of the Reliability Score.

Overall Score

The overall score looks at the Coverage, Data Speeds, and Reliability Scores and weighs them as follows:

  • Coverage Score: 70%
  • Reliability Score: 23%
  • Data Speeds Score: 7%

Where does get its coverage and speed data from? gets different data from different sources.

The overall coverage and signal strength data comes from the FCC's mobile broadband map.

The information about data speeds and network performance comes from community members contributing speed test results to our crowd-sourced coverage map. If you are interested in contributing to the project and helping to build better, more accurate coverage maps for everyone, you can learn more here.